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School Flexibility Act 

HB85, SB55

During the 2012 Legislative Session there was a push to create a charter school bill.   The bill viewed Charters as a good option because they could have flexiblity from some of the state laws and regulations.  As a result of that flexibility, it was thought that they would have more positive outcomes in educating their students.   The effectiveness of charter schools has been a matter for debate.  Many though asked if the flexiblity from these regulations and laws would help Charters, why wouldn't we give that flexibility to all schools.   This law does not allow for the calendar to be flexible, nor does it make any changes to the tenure law.   It would give systems the ability to apply for a waiver from a regulation or law.   A flexibility law presented in 2012 was not passed in legislative session.  This year the flexibility bills HB84 and SB54 are being presented and working their way through the legislative process.   This bill was assigned to the House and Senate Education Committees.  Click on the links to read the bill. 

Senate Bill 54   House Bill 84

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