Grant Application
Who may apply for a grant? Local unit PTA/PTSAs who are in good standing with the Huntsville Council of
PTAs and with the Alabama PTA may apply for a grant. To be in good standing, you must have paid your
Council dues and must be current on your state PTA dues as well.
Elementary, middle, and high school PTA/PTSAs are eligible to receive funding for fall or spring. The Huntsville Council of PTAs also offers $6,000 of scholarships to high school students every spring.
Each school/PTA unit is eligible for only one Council grant per school year. PTA/PTSA units who receive fall grants are not eligible for consideration for the spring grants. Furthermore, you may not request grant funding for any project, program, or event for which you received grant funding from the Huntsville Council of PTAs during the prior two school years. Any grant applications that are submitted but not chosen in the fall will be re-considered in the spring unless notified by the PTA to remove an application from consideration.
When may I apply? Application submissions for fall grants are due by October 1 of each year. Additionally, application submissions for spring grants are due by March 1 of each year.
How do I apply? Please complete the attached Grant Application (also available on the HCPTA website at and return it to Jovonne Foster at You will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application.
How will my application be evaluated? The grant requests will be judged by an impartial Grants Committee using the following criteria: (1) the funds must be used to support a large portion of the school’s population, at least indirectly, (2) the project for which the funds are requested must promote one or more of the six national standards (grants for end of year celebrations and/or fun days, field days must be descriptive and provide data that supports and promotes one or more of the standards such as fitness and health benefits and/or purchase of PE equipment that supports such event (one time use items, such as bounce houses, dunking booths, pizza purchase, etc. will not be considered), (3) those who have not received recent grant funding from the Huntsville Council of PTAs will be given a degree of preference in the grant determinations, (4) purchase of food will not be funded and (5) each school may only submit ONE application. Recipients will be expected to implement the program within one year and report back to the Council in writing on the implementation of their program. Failure to submit a timely grant report will make a PTA ineligible for additional grant funding until the report has been submitted.
Six Standards:
Welcoming all Families - Families are active participants in the life of the school, and feel welcomed, valued, and connected to each other, to school staff, and to what students are learning and doing in class.
Communicating Effectively - Families and school staff engage in regular, two-way, meaningful communication about student learning.
Supporting Student Success - Families and school staff continuously collaborate to support students’ learning and healthy development both at home and at school and have regular opportunities to strengthen their knowledge and skills to do so effectively.
Speaking Up for Every Child - Families are empowered to be advocates for their own and other children, to ensure that students are treated fairly and have access to learning opportunities that will support their success.
Sharing Power - Families and school staff are equal partners in decisions that affect children and families and together inform, influence, and create policies, practices, and programs.
Collaborating with the Community - Families and school staff collaborate with community members to connect students, families, and staff to expanded learning opportunities, community services, and civic participation.