What is Edmodo?
A tool to keep track of your child's homework assignments!
Track assignments via iPhone and Android parent apps (search Edmodo Parent in app store) - Recommended over web version!
Link all your children to one parent account - no more logging in multiple places
Receive email or text notification (through app) of assignments
Set Up Parent Account through Edmodo Website
Set Up Parent Account though iPhone App (recommended)
Set Up Parent Account through Android App (recommended)
Navigating Edmodo:
Edmodo iPhone App
Edmodo iPhone App
1. Class Activity: all Quizzes (will have a blue "?" icon), Assignments (orange checkmark), & Events (purple clock). If an Assignment or Quiz has been submitted you will see a green checkmark and if it is late, it will read "Late."
2. Announcements: any post in which the Teacher manually adds Parents as a recipient. Note: you will not see all posts sent to the group, only those sent to Parents.
3. Multiple Children: you can associate your one Parent account with multiple students on Edmodo. Once you are linked to more than one child, you will be able to swipe right or left on your main screen to switch between the students.
4. Settings: add a student by clicking the gear icon in the left-hand corner or edit your information.
Edmodo Android App
Edmodo Android App
1. Class Activity: all Quizzes (will have a blue "?" icon), Assignments (orange checkmark), & Events (purple clock). If an Assignment or Quiz has been submitted you will see a green checkmark and if it is late, it will read "Late."
2. Announcements: any post in which the Teacher manually adds Parents as a recipient. Note: you will not see all posts sent to the group, only those sent to Parents.
3. Multiple Children: Once you are linked to more than one child, you will be able to tap the student icon at the top-right switch to viewing a different student.
4. Settings: add a student by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner or edit your information.
Edmodo Web Version